
Showing posts from May, 2022
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The Keys To Creating Effective Marketing

  The opportunity to create your own Marketing from scratch …   For Marketing to be effective, it must be “persuasive” … The Business Owner who understands how to create messages, ads and Marketing collateral that follows a persuasion format can literally gain the ability to dominate their market … To do this effectively, I need to ground you on some very basic Marketing fundamentals …   Persuasion Marketing Persuasion Marketing is simply organizing the buying and selling processes so you can present compelling information about your product or service that will persuade your prospects to take a specific action … All Marketing should inform and persuade your prospects … Marketing is a science that follows a very simple equation … That equation is known as the Marketing or Conversion Equation …     The Marketing or Conversion Equation The Marketing Equation contains four basic components: Interrupt, Engage, Educate, and Offer It's based on one of t