The Keys To Creating Effective Marketing


The opportunity to create your own Marketing from scratch …

  For Marketing to be effective, it must be “persuasive” … The Business Owner who understands how to create messages, ads and Marketing collateral that follows a persuasion format can literally gain the ability to dominate their market … To do this effectively, I need to ground you on some very basic Marketing fundamentals …  

Persuasion Marketing

Persuasion Marketing is simply organizing the buying and selling processes so you can present compelling information about your product or service that will persuade your prospects to take a specific action … All Marketing should inform and persuade your prospects … Marketing is a science that follows a very simple equation … That equation is known as the Marketing or Conversion Equation …    

The Marketing or Conversion Equation

The Marketing Equation contains four basic components:

Interrupt, Engage, Educate, and Offer

It's based on one of the oldest and most durable models known because it helps Business Owner’s appeal to consumers' emotional and social wants and needs …


For any type of Marketing to work, it MUST do three things

It MUST grab the reader’s attention

It MUST facilitate the prospect’s information gathering & decision-making process

It MUST provide a specific, low risk, easy to take action that helps them make a good decision


Let Me Explain


For any type of Marketing to work, it MUST grab the reader’s attention

You must have a great headline if the ad is in print. If it’s on the radio, the headline is the first thing they hear. If it’s on TV, the headline is the first thing they see and hear. For any type of Marketing to work, it MUST facilitate the prospect’s information gathering & decision-making process Every prospect is always looking for the best deal. That means the most value for the price they pay. To know if something is the best deal, they must have decision making information. Your Marketing MUST help the prospect gather information that aids them in their decision-making process. For any type of Marketing to work, It MUST provide a specific, low risk, easy to take action that helps them make a good decision Your Marketing must contain a low, or better yet, no risk offer(s) to further facilitate the prospects decision making process. You must give them a compelling, yet safe way to take the next step. You want a concrete action step that gets your prospect actively involved with your business.  

Once Again


These three principles must always be present if your Marketing is going to be effective …

It MUST grab the reader’s attention facilitate the prospect’s information gathering & decision-making process provide a specific, low risk, easy to take action that helps them make a good decision

    To help ensure that you always include these three principles, all you need to do is follow the Marketing or Conversion Equation for every Marketing piece you develop … The Marketing or Conversion Equation goes like this: Interrupt, Engage, Educate and Offer ...   First, you must Interrupt your prospects (gain their attention) … This is done with an attention-grabbing headline … The headline is by far the single most important part of any ad … If your prospects don’t read the headline, then they won’t read the rest of the ad, no matter how well it’s written. In a print piece, the headline is placed at the very top of the ad. Most businesses place the name of their company here, and that’s the worst thing you can ever do … Your prospects don’t care what you have named your business or what you look like … Prospects only care about themselves … WIIFM -“what’s in it for me” … The headline must address the single biggest problem your prospects have and that they’re desperately seeking a solution for.   The key to creating effective Marketing and Advertising …   You must always start your ad with an Interrupting headline that is focused on the problem your prospects are having … Then you must have a subheadline that engages the prospect by promising them that there’s a solution to that problem … Remember the first two Marketing or Conversion Equation components … Interrupt and Engage … That’s the job of the headline and subheadline. The subheadline only “promises” a solution … it does NOT give the prospect the solution …   Educate is the third component of the Marketing or Conversion Equation … You must Educate prospects with what it is that makes your product or service so much better than your competition. This is typically done in the body copy when it’s a print ad. On a website, it can also be done with body copy … or, by video …   The final component of the Marketing Equation is your Offer … A low risk … or better yet NO RISK offer gets prospects to take a specific action such as request more information, take a test drive, register for a free thirty-day trial or similar offer … The key is to make the offer so compelling it’s irresistible … Can you do that?  

This is just an over-simplified example:

The Proper Website  

Below, is a great example of what the common mindset is, and what a tested and proven strategy is, taught by a very good Business Coach or Marketing Consultant … Get this, and you’re on your way …

  Website Comparison for staggering results    

If you can begin to understand the HUGE difference, then just maybe, you have a chance to dominate your entire market … Do you see the difference?

    So, what are you waiting for? Start designing your own Marketing and Advertising campaign(s) with the help of the right Business Coach or Marketing Consultant … Forget about the next salesperson! After all, they are trying to “sell you” something … The Strategic Marketing way of growing your business and brand takes the guesswork out of creating effective Marketing … It puts “tactics” in their place ... Which is to only implement what your strategies are … Most Small Business Owners use tactics as their focus, and that’s a very big mistake … BUT, I don’t blame them, it’s just that they are not a Business Coach or Marketing Consultant … They specialize in what THEY do … Strategic Marketing gives you the ability to create your own World-Class Marketing, create Competition-Crushing Marketing, and make your business the obvious choice when it comes to buying what you sell or offer …   I have the knowledge, training, templates, and assets, to help you learn how to or generate all the leads your business can handle, and the World Class resources to help you get the job done the RIGHT way … It is everything you will ever need as a Small Business Owner to create this type of dominating Marketing … And whether you invest in a Business Coach that knows all of this, subscribe to outstanding software to get these things done, and done right, or invest in “The Packages” which give you all the World Class strategies to your inbox for a modest monthly subscription, keep this in mind, it is just the beginning, and what is waiting for you is the business and the life you have always dreamed of having …   [ninja_form id=1]

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