Differentiation, and How So Many Get This Completely Wrong ...

 The "Beginning" Of The Problems, Everyone Faces, When They Market Or Advertise Their Business ...

All of us alive today, with no exceptions, grew up in an era where almost all the Advertising you have ever seen or heard is a product of the era of the "brand builders" ...

Over time, we have all become conditioned as to what constitutes a good advertisement ... We learned the fundamental pattern for what to put into a commercial ... We learned about "slogans" and "jingles" and being "funny" ... We learned that, in Marketing and Advertising, the outside perception (what they think) no longer must reflect the inside reality (what we think)   ... 

And because of this new breed of boasting how wonderful we are, or selling all of our amazing features and qualities, "jargon" and "platitudes" have now dominated ALL Marketing & Advertising ... 

These words or phrases lack the power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition ... And are nevertheless stated as if they were original or significant ... In Marketing or Advertising, you hear jargon and platitudes all day ...

YOU are included if you use anything like these:

... largest selection
... most professional
... lowest prices
... highest quality
... best service
... fastest
... most convenient
... largest in the state
... more honest
... we're the experts
... award-winning
... we specialize
... we work harder
... gets the job done right the first time
... been in business for 300 years
... Family Owned

And I could keep going ...

You simply cannot describe, demonstrate, exhibit, reveal, or display your inside reality using jargon or platitudes ... It is impossible! And unfortunately, the result is an outside perception that you are no different than anyone else ... 

There is absolutely no distinction, no separation, and no differentiation ... You just flat-out can't make your inside reality and outside perception
match up when you do this ... 

So, my question always is, why does almost everyone do it?

Are you looking for the way out of it?

Oh, and just to let you know, in case you were a bit curious, when anyone in business, achieves the outside perception as being the same as their inside reality, THEY WIN all the best customers or clients ...

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