Lead Generation, Lead Qualification, and Lead Conversion
"What are all the Salespeople NOT telling you about?"
Absolutely CRUCIAL to understand this for your business ... And one of the reasons I state that most get Marketing and Advertising their business wrong ... ALL wrong!
There are 3 basic components that define your Sales Process ...
Lead Generation … Lead Qualification … Lead Conversion
Lead Generation has the job of reaching your prospects with a laser-focused message aimed specifically at their "hot buttons" and getting them to raise-their-hand and acknowledge interest in what you offer (or sell) ... Lead Qualification has the job of separating those prospects into two different camps, those who WANT what you offer (or sell), and those who NEED what you offer (or sell) ... You always want to focus on prospects who WANT your product or service ... They will always be your target customers. A well-designed and carefully crafted Marketing message can do both vital components simultaneously, generate leads and qualify those leads ... Lead Conversion has the job of "transforming" a prospect into a client by gaining their commitment to buy what you offer (or sell) ... Again, with the right message (or Compelling Offer) aimed at your ideal prospect, converting that prospect into a paying client, or even as a new prospect in your database and pipeline, can be as simple as asking for them to take action ...This is crucial for you to know, understand, and implement...
When executed properly, your Sales Process can increase your response rates, increase your conversion rates, improve your client retention, save you from making costly Marketing mistakes, and provide your business with a roadmap that takes your prospects from ignorance to awareness, into the decision-making process and through to the close. When you know and understand Lead Generation, Lead Qualification and Lead Conversion, and the role they each play in your overall Sales Process, you will position yourself light years ahead of your competition and have a solid foundation upon which to build Competition-Dominating Marketing ... The best way for you to get started is with the end in mind. So, when we look at Lead Generation, Lead Qualification and Lead Conversion, Lead Conversion is where we must start ... We must first ask ourselves "where the actual sale is most likely to take place" ... These are called distribution channels, and there are only seven possible channels to consider ... They include online, direct sales, sales agents, phone sales, mail order, retail, and live events ...You need to determine which channel or channels of distribution will generate real results for your business. It is the distribution channels that determine which Marketing strategies you will ultimately use for Lead Generation.Once you map out all the distribution channel possibilities, you can then determine the Marketing strategies to give you the highest probability of getting your prospects to your chosen distribution channel(s). Although there are many Marketing strategies to consider, you will quickly discover that only a few may be appropriate for your specific business ... Marketing strategies include advertising such as TV, radio and print, Affiliate and Joint Venture programs, Affinity programs, Catalog, Continuity Programs, Cross Promotions, Database Marketing, Direct Mail, Directories, Innovation, Interactive Media, Internet, Loyalty Programs, Outdoor Media, Point of Purchase, Point of Sale, Place-Based Media, Promotions, Public Relations, and Signage ... (And quite a bit more) ... Once you narrow down the Marketing strategies to your select few, you then need to assign the tactics within each strategy that will produce the desired results ... There are 80+ Marketing Tactics to choose from ... and growing with automation and artificial intelligence ... It is critical that you follow this exact process. Unfortunately, most Small Business Owners do not. They reverse the process completely, and start with the tactics, then the strategies (if at all), and then they wonder why no one is showing up at their distribution channel to buy their product or service ... Here is what I mean. Business Owners are constantly asking me for help with their Marketing. No one is buying from them. So, the first thing I ask them to do is explain their Marketing program to me. I always hear the same thing every time. They say they sent out an email, created a website, do some social posting now and then, direct mail, a postcard, or they spent a fortune on Paid Ads ... All of these are tactics that should be supporting specific strategies that lead the prospect to a specific distribution channel. But they do not. So, I ask the Business Owner to explain what the email or the postcard or the website is supposed to accomplish as a result ... They look at me like I am crazy. They tell me it is supposed to sell their product or service. So, I ask them one simple question. When was the last time YOU bought something like what you sell from reading a single email? The look they get on their face is priceless ... It suddenly dawns on them that they have not done anything at that early stage to build confidence, trust, respect, or rapport with that prospect. They started a Tactical Marketing deployment process which is the worst thing you can do. Your tactics are there to support your overall Marketing strategy, and your strategy is there to deliver the prospect to a specific channel of distribution ...
Remember that a distribution channel is where the sale takes place ...
So, when you know which distribution channels to consider, the next step is deciding which Marketing strategies will be the most effective at generating leads ... Strategies are the approaches you take to generate leads. There are a lot of strategies, but you will not need all of them. In fact, only a couple of them will turn out to be effective for your Business in terms of cost and responses generated. And with a little bit of effort and know-how assembled, that decision will be reaping some big rewards ... Now that you have narrowed the field to your strategies, the next step is uncovering the tactics that will work with these strategies to cost-effectively generate qualified leads ...Tactics are the tools used to generate the leads that will produce the sales you want ...
This is where you will use a technique called Process Mapping, a simple tool that will help you find the most effective strategies along with the right tactics ... Process Mapping breaks down the sales process into a step-by-step format so that you can see your communication points of contact with your customers. By knowing these specific points of contact, you can then analyze the effectiveness your Marketing messages will have in convincing your target customer to buy what you sell. It will also provide tremendous guidance as you create your Marketing message by revealing the possible state of mind of your prospects. In other words, it helps you understand how receptive they will be when they receive your Marketing message …The purpose of this is to help you understand the relationship between Lead Generation, Lead Qualification and Lead Conversion ...
With this process, you will be able to spend a minimal amount of time in the planning process and come out knowing and understanding EXACTLY what to do for your Marketing to work, along with the most effective strategies and tactics that require immediate action ... This dramatically reduces your preparation time; allows you to quickly put a solid and profitable Marketing plan into place; instantly begin creating leads, building a database, converting prospects into new customers and making more money than you have ever made before ...This entire sequence of events is the Sales Process
Now let’s tie this all together as it all relates to Lead Generation, Lead Qualification and Lead Conversion. The tactics and the strategies make up the Lead Generation and Lead Qualification components. When these components all work together in unison, they combine to create a highly compelling and laser-targeted message directed at the hot buttons of your target customer or prospects ... In A Very Important Conclusion What you just read here is what NOBODY in the Marketing, Advertising, and Agency world EVER walks you through, or even cares to explain ... It's not on their menu, and they make no money from any of this powerful, business, and life-transforming information ... It's a sales oriented world, and what is typically sold are the tactics ... And ONLY 1 to maybe 5 of them ... And they are supposed to be discussed LAST ... The Channels of Distribution, then the Strategies, THEN the many Tactics ... NOT the other way around! So, my contention to you is, what are you missing out on ... How many strategies and tactics are out there, that you don't know about, or nobody ever revealed or took the time to explain ... And what is that costing you ... I know about 100 strategies and about 100 tactics because of the advances in technology ... How many do YOU know, and can explain or implement?Here's To Your Success!
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