
Showing posts from June, 2022

Everything Is Wrong With Your Marketing

  - And I can help you fix it! -   Everything You've Ever Learned About Generating Leads And Growing Your Business Is Wrong! I'm going to teach you how to achieve massive leverage with your Marketing, meaning simply that you'll make more money for the same time, the same money, and the same effort you're expending right now. Why will this enable you to dominate your local market? Simple ... most businesses simply don't know how to do this. They don't understand the tremendous untapped potential that lies within their Marketing. Most businesses today spend some money on Marketing and Advertising, and then decide that whatever results they get from that Marketing is probably about as good as it's going to get. They realize that their results can fluctuate up and down, but they never imagine that doing things differently, or with some minor adjustments, it could potentially transform their business and life ...   I must tell you that nothing cou...

From Plandemic To Prosperity

  600,000+ businessess have had to close their doors permanently!   Wow! That is terrifying! It is easy to see how people would want to shy away from even contemplating starting a business. Or even continuing to fight to keep their doors open. But I am here to tell you that letting your fear lead the way in a time like this will lose you a life-changing opportunity.   The Voice In My Soul I heard a voice deep in my soul every day that said, “get up!”  Instead of shutting down, I made the decision, in the middle of one of the worst recessions our country had ever faced, to get to growing my business (and a much bigger one is on the horizon). The voice told me, “Go help other people” … I could have lost the inner strength and energy. But instead, I found a client, and I decided I would help them as if my life depended on it. Then I found another, and then another. Now, years later, I sit in the eye of another storm (A BIGGER one). How will I weather i...

Traffic For The Small Business Owner

    It's All About The Traffic No blog survives without traffic. Especially in a business oriented area like Brevard County Florida. More so, less traffic only means that the content is not that good. However, there are also instances wherein a great blog does not have enough traffic. The key in getting traffic is to come up with a strategy and make everyone notice your blog. There are a few things that you need to consider with regards to generating traffic to your blog and these are not that different from planning a regular Website. The only exception is that blogs can generate traffic a lot faster. What you only need to consider first is your target audience and where exactly you are generating your blog’s traffic.   The Content The content of your blog is very important. It is the reason why people in Brevard County especially visit your blog. Try to make your blog interesting and learn to master the ideas included in your blog. The conte...