Your Ideal Client … Do You Know Them When You See Them?
Do you know your ideal client …
even when you see them?
Your ideal client is much different
from your typical client. How?
Your typical client NEEDS what you sell, and your ideal client WANTS what you sell. That difference is huge. Prospects may or may not buy what they need, but they always buy what they want. If you know how to find your ideal client, you can literally dominate your market.
What you need to know …
Prospects buy based on emotions, and wants are emotion-based. Needs are logic-based. When your product or service matches what your prospects specifically want, you will immediately begin to attract your ideal client.
Why you need to know this …
Your ideal client makes you the most money. In fact, for most business owners … 80% of your entire revenue is generated by only 20% of your clients. Those are your ideal clients. They love you and what you provide to them. They buy from you and you alone. They're loyal and will n...