A Quick Sales Lesson Today

A quick lesson today on sales and what works and what doesn't work ...

Up to 96% of visitors will not make a purchase on their first visit to your Marketing (like a website). Rather than lose those visitors forever it is usually a good idea to develop, and then maintain a relationship with them so you can lure them back in the future.

This is most easily accomplished by asking for their email address in exchange for valuable free information, usually in the form of a sample of your product or service delivered by email. Selling is all about trust and relationship building. It is because of the explosion of Marketing messages over the past several years that you need to connect with a prospect between seven times and possibly as many as fifteen times before they are willing to purchase.

This process of relationship building is essential to getting the prospect to trust you, to try out your product or service without the pressure of a tough sell, and to form a Marketing relationship that will allow you to later sell to them.

Now before you start giving away your content, keep this in mind. To work properly, the free content needs to be designed according to certain specific principles. Following these specific principles will help you make incredible gains.

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