... How To Market Your Business With Video - IMJustice Marketing Business Videos (321) 345-4020 But 1st, IMJustice Marketing has a video store to showcase examples for your creative thinking... ..... Come on by! Dear business owner, We are IMJustice Marketing here in Palm Bay, Brevard County, Florida. We look at how businesses market with their websites and any other methods they may be using. What we find, is that either Marketing for your business is done wrong and not very clever, or it isn't really used in more modern ways at all. This, of course, is negatively impacting their website’s effectiveness and their ability to grow their business in modern times with all the available marketing weapons of today.. our main website our channel More Info from the Puppet...
Powerful offers that drive your audience to act can be used in your business to do a myriad of things. They are great for moving old or overstocked products, overcoming buyer objections, eliminating purchase risk, or even just building your customer database. Well-crafted offers are also fantastic Lead Generators - which is what I like to focus on. In this case, the offer is designed to get potential customers to identify themselves, not to close sales. Once those potential customers have identified themselves - they have taken action to redeem the offer - they enter the formal Sales Process, and you can convert them into a loyal customer. Offers designed to be Lead Generators drive more qualified prospects to your business. They weed out the buyers who would take advantage of your offer, but who are not otherwise a part of your target market. I show how to speak to your target market's "hot buttons" and emotional motivators, instead of simply crafting an offer based on...
PERSONAL TRAINERS!!! This "lead magnet" could be yours! Only ONE per County...Normally $299.99, now $199.99... Dominate the Volusia County Personal Trainer marketplace! main website for more information 4 Things to Look For in a Personal Trainer from Volusia County Let's say that you have decided that you want to hire a personal trainer to help you get back into shape or to achieve your specific weight loss goals. Finding a personal trainer who operates in your area is easy. Figuring out if a personal trainer is a good one is little bit more difficult. Here are some things you want to look for in a personal trainer in Volusia County Florida: 1. NCCA Certification The American Council for Exercises (ACE) recommends that all personal trainers get certified by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies or NCCA. To get this certification a personal trainer has to prove t...